ganchos magnéticos para pendurar canecas

Se você tem uma árvore caneca em sua cozinha, você vai saber que eles geralmente ocupam apenas cerca de seis a oito canecas. Agora, a maioria das famílias têm muito mais canecas do que isso em seus armários da cozinha ocupando espaço valioso armário.

Uma solução usando ímãs é a resposta perfeita, particularly if you like to show off your collection of mugs, like Myra from Somerset.

Myra approached us seeking the perfect magnets to hang her mugs on the side of her fridge-freezer so that they were easily accessible and always within reach for making a speedy brew!

neodymium hook magnets used to hang 20 mugs to the side of a fridge.

The above photo kindly sent into us by Mrya shows the magnets she used, que são 20mm diameter N42 neodymium hook magnets with 8mm diameter hooks e 19mm diameter neodymium hook magnets with 10mm diameter hooks. As you can see, the mugs look fab on the side of the fridge.

Myra said “The arrangement is completely flexible and no dust or bad language was generated from drilling. I am very pleased with the result.”

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