Aimants Carte

Une grande carte murale peut être un excellent endroit pour garder une trace de toutes vos vacances en famille et les vacances, ou même vous aider à planifier votre prochaine. Traditionnellement amure bleu ou broches poussoirs métalliques ont été l'outil favori des lieux de marquage sur une carte murale.

We were very pleased when our customer John contacted us from Derbyshire to tell us how he had come up with a new method of using magnets to keep track of his family holidays.

John had ordered our F4M16 Traditional Map pin magnets to easily mark visited locations. Using different colours John could easily colour code and differentiate between places he had visited and places he would like to go.


We would like to thank john for taking the time to share his magnet applications with us and for sending us some great photos.


Produits connexes
Assorted Traditional Magnetic Map Pin Magnets

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